Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Moving Day

Hi there! I'm new to this blogging thing, but I found a blog that my friend Joanne does & I thought it looked like a fun way to keep in touch, so I thought I'd try it out. Hopefully I'll update it a few times a week, so I hope you come back to check it often.

Tomorrow is moving day. Michael & I are moving our oldest daughter to college. It hardly seems possible that she's old enough to be going away. I'm really having a hard time grasping the reality that, as of tomorrow, there will be one less place setting at our dining room table.

Both Michael & I are so excited for her. We know she's going to love being a FLORIDA GATOR and that she really is heading for a great adventure. We are so proud of her accomplishments, yet we are even more proud of the person she's become. Hopefully, we have done our job & given her wings...

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