Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So, the County School Board decided that our kids should go to school on Good Friday. Most of the county's parents (us included) decided to keep our kids home.

The following week was school as usual, with the exception of Friday, which was Relay for Life, for every $5 the kids raised parents stroked a check for, the kids could skip class & hang out at the track on campus. Ben has 7 classes, surpringly he raised we wrote a check for $35.

The week after that was Spring Break.

The week after Spring Break, Ben had 2 field trips.

This week, the kids are off Friday for Conference Day. Today, Ben was supposed to stay after school for band rehearsal for 2 hours, instead he called me to pick him up at the regular time. And promptly did this...
He has a fever, poor kid. Looks like it'll be a 4 day weekend for my little guy.

Apparently, Ben was not meant to be educated this month.

At least he went to a museum over Spring Break. Right?! :)

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