Thursday, January 20, 2011

20 (or You Capture-Circles)

This week's You Capture theme was Circles.  I decided to photograph the "circle" I spend the most time with these days, Bentley's ball.

Bentley's gross, disgusting ball.

That we throw a billion times a day.

Here's the "ball graveyard" in the corner of our yard.

 Bentley won't touch these balls anymore.  I really need to throw them away.

He's "serially monogamous" with his balls.  

Right now this orange one is his favorite.

To see more of this week's You Capture Challenge photos click here.


Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

Cool shots!!

C.G. Koens said...

"The ball graveyard" made me laugh! We had a bone and squeaky toy graveyard when we had our St. Bernard - good memories! Great captures!

deb duty said...

I love all of your ball photos! My dog loves tennis balls too. I'll have to find her an orange one.

Eppyville said...

Love these shots...they make me want to go outside and play with our dog!

Katy {and Kahler} said...

what great shots! i love the series of pics that tell a story. i laughed at the ball graveyard- why is that? and what an ADORABLE pup!

Kathleen said...

Oh my goodness! Love this funny! Those last two shots are awesome, especially the one you captured UNDER the dog's snout (how DID you manage that??); I hope you did not get hit with any drool! :)

Anonymous said...

The last two have such wonderful angles!! I love it! And that gross disgusting ball does look cool in photographs! :) Great shots!

Jenn said...

I love these pictures. My little dog loves her tennis balls too, and I never thought to take a picture of them. Great job!

Brooke said...

This is hysterical! I love the shots and the ball graveyard had me rolling :D

Megan said...

Love it!

Gina Kleinworth said...

How funny- our dog has his tennis ball that he loves so much. Only we had to cut off all the fuzz because he would get a little pulled up & then pull it off and try to eat it- thus causing him to gag & all sorts of issues came after that. SO - I actually think his looks worse than that-because it's "bald" :) Dogs are funny.

Unknown said...

Love it! Especially the one where the ball is in his mouth.

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Love! I really could not figure out what in the world it was though until lI read on-- I was like how did she get a picture of a sea urchin?

Anonymous said...

I love these.

Amy said...

Awesome circle shots!